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Drilling Down R&D Tax Credits for Dentists and Orthodontists

Drilling Down R&D Tax Credits for Dentists and Orthodontists

As we continue to look for ways to reduce tax burdens for our clients, our Research Tax Credit leader just completed a study for a client and found nearly $150,000 in R&D credit. Some of the items that are indicative that your practice may be performing R&D and perhaps eligible for the credit are:

For dentists:

  • Dental laboratory activities
  • Restoration procedures
  • Designing and fabricating prosthetics
  • Developing treatment plans, patient evaluation
  • Oral surgery

For orthodontists:

  • Laboratory activities
  • Development of treatment plans
  • CBCT imaging
  • Clear Aligner treatment options
  • Device design and fabrication
  • Novel wire and bracket systems

Let us drill down (no pun intended) with you and see if it makes sense to proceed. This is one of those credits that you can actually go back a few years and claim too.

If you are not sure about claiming this credit, consult a UHY tax professional.



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