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Estate Tax Law Changes Could Have Costly Implications

Estate Tax Law Changes Could Have Costly Implications

The results of the 2020 election, along with the recent Georgia Senate runoff race, will have a considerable impact on US legislation, policy and our lives. But when it comes to estate and gift planning, the conceivable changes could be far reaching.

It is critical that high-net worth individuals, particularly those with business assets, understand the estate tax law changes that are proposed in the new administration’s tax plan.

Click here to see the changes expected to be considered, along with a “likelihood assessment” of being passed in 2021.

UHY is working to ensure that our clients’ estate planning strategies are fine-tuned in consideration of these potential changes. There are options that our clients may want to exercise now that could very well be gone soon.

Reach out to a UHY professional today to start the process.


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