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Cannabis Legalized in Connecticut

Cannabis Legalized in Connecticut

The recreational use and retail sale of cannabis has been legalized in Connecticut after Gov. Ned Lamont signed a legalization bill into law on June 23, 2021.

As written, the bill will legalize the following for individuals twenty-one and older:

  • Personal possession of recreational cannabis, up to 1.5 ounces, beginning July 1, 2021
  • Secured possession in a house or locked car, up to 5 ounces, beginning July 1, 2021
  • Retail sale of recreational cannabis, beginning May 2022

Licenses to grow marijuana will be distributed through a two-tiered system, each will distribute half of the approved licenses. The first would be for social equity applicants, defined as a business with at least a 65% ownership by someone of limited income and a resident of an area disproportionately impacted by drug enforcement. The second would have an entry fee of $1,000 for production licenses. Winners for either lottery would then have the opportunity to purchase a license for $3 million.

Current medical cannabis producers are not required to enter a lottery and may become recreational suppliers by paying the $3 million license fee.

Check back for additional information as this dynamic industry develops in Connecticut.




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