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Executive Briefing

Economic Outlook: Coping with Inflation, Rate Hikes and Labor Shortages

There’s no doubt that the economy is one of the greatest concerns for business leaders. We’re facing inflation, uncertainty regarding interest rates, and unease with a tight labor market.

Thank you for joining UHY and the ever-popular Economist Chris Kuehl as we explored what we can expect in the coming year.

If you missed the live event, a recording of the event may be found below.

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Chris Kuehl | Managing Director | Armada Corporate Intelligence

Chris Kuehl | Managing Director | Armada Corporate Intelligence

Chris provides forecasts and strategic guidance for a wide variety of corporate clients around the world. He is the chief economist for several national and international organizations - Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, National Association of Credit Management, Finance, Credit and International Business and the Business Information Industry Association. He is also the economic analyst for several state accounting societies - Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Kansas.  Chris is the author of Business Intelligence Briefs and Executive Intelligence Briefs - both publications from Armada. He is also responsible for the Credit Manager's Index from NACM and Fabrinomics from the FMA.

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