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Stacy Farber Selected for HBJ Top Women in Business List

Stacy Farber Selected for HBJ Top Women in Business List

Hartford Business Journal's Women in Business awards are an annual opportunity to recognize those female leaders at the forefront of Connecticut businesses. These women are nominated by their community and chosen by a panel of independent judges, with 25 women honored this year. Their stories are unique but have unifying qualities, including demonstrated business success, confidence in themselves and their organizations and a strong track record of professional leadership.

Stacy Farber leads UHY’s Connecticut audit practice and is the head of the Northeast region’s employee benefit plan practice. Working in public accounting for more than 15 years and seven years in private industry, mostly as a chief financial officer, Farber realized early that she was meant for public accounting — more specifically, auditing.

She joined UHY in 2020 as a senior manager and the only auditor. The office had one audit client when she started, and in just two years, Farber has grown the practice to 70 audits and has been promoted twice to reach the highest level of audit partner.

What have been your biggest professional accomplishments so far?

First, becoming the first female chief financial officer at a large manufacturing company. Second, on January 1, 2023, I attained the highest level in public accounting as a partner (managing director). Third, I was appointed to the State Board of Accountancy as a board member in late 2022.

What’s the next big goal you want to accomplish professionally?

My next big goal is to become the office managing partner for the UHY Connecticut office.

What’s one of the biggest professional challenges you’ve overcome?

Finding a place where my vision and values align with those of the firm and I can use my skill set to not only be part of, but also lead a team of like-minded individuals to reach shared success.

What are your keys to maintaining business success?

Past mentors helped show me the ability to have both a successful career and a family and taught me the importance of having long-lasting, valued relationships with clients, former clients and colleagues. These lessons have helped propel my success and I work to model them for the next generation


Read her interview published by Hartford Business Journal.

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