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Alex DiBartolomeo Recognized in Western Michigan University Publication ‘The 30’

Alex DiBartolomeo Recognized in Western Michigan University Publication ‘The 30’

‘The 30’ is a publication from the Haworth College of Business at Western Michigan University that recognizes emerging alumni who are leading with intention and striving for more in the business world. The honorees represent the integrity, leadership, and purpose that are synonymous with being a Business Bronco.

Named as “the ambitious accountant”, Alex DiBartolomeo’s profile highlights his diverse accounting pedigree and leadership.

He is a Director and a leader of the Great Lakes financial due diligence practice, helping grow the service line from a small team of three professionals to a dynamic group of more than ten advisors while growing revenue by 200+%. He is an active member of the Michigan Association of CPAs Financial Literacy and Emerging Leaders Task Forces helping shape the future of financial literacy education in the State of Michigan and promoting the accounting profession.

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