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Casey Whitbeck Appointed to Board of Columbia County Chamber of Commerce

Casey Whitbeck Appointed to Board of Columbia County Chamber of Commerce

UHY is thrilled to announce the appointment of Senior Manager Casey Whitbeck to the Board of the Columbia County Chamber of Commerce. Rural Counties (NACo)’s Rural Action Caucus (RAC). In December 2023, Whitbeck was unanimously approved by the sitting Board to fill one of the vacant seats and was sworn in in January 2024. The Columbia County Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 60th year of providing advocacy, networking and promotion, and education resources to businesses in Columbia County, New York.

Whitbeck joined UHY through a combination with PKHB in 2020 and was promoted to Senior Manager in 2023. He specializes in providing advisory and tax services to private companies and business owners. He oversees and reviews financial information for clients such as business and individual tax returns. Whitbeck leads multiple tax engagements, tax audits, and planning strategies, including reviews of tax returns for partnerships, corporations and individuals.


See the full board of the Columbia County Chamber of Commerce.

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