If you were to cast a backward glance over your shoulder, whom would you credit for boosting your career at a pivotal moment? Someone took a chance on you, challenged you, saw something unusual, shone a light on you, picked you out of a crowded field. Maybe there was a CEO who hired you as an up-and-coming leader with a lot of potential. Maybe you took an unlikely, cover-all-the-bases auditor-investor-operator pathway. With talent retention, attraction, and hiring being a top “internal risk concern" and a continued challenge for CFOs in 2023, how are you strategically preparing the way for others to join your team, or even – welp – eventually to take your place?
Nurturing the Next-Gen
Succession planning and leadership grooming strategies must flex for every company and context, whether you offer mentorship, take a team approach, make use of an interim, or have a top-notch candidate on lock. UHY consultants can help your company attract the right talent, and you can confidently retain your crackerjack in-house team and guard against burnout. Then, when the time comes to expand your ranks or splash a brand-spankin’-new name on the org chart, your company will be ready.
"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."
- Alexander Graham Bell, inventor, scientist, engineer
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