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MSCPA Member Spotlight: David Lorenzi, CPA


MSCPA Member Spotlight: David Lorenzi, CPA

3 Min Read

When did you first become interested in accounting?

I had a friend growing up whose dad was a CPA and worked out of a home office. After school he would throw the football around with us, and I thought it was cool that he always seemed to be around with his family. When I got to high school I took an accounting course. My guidance counselor suggested I also try physics, as engineering was also a popular field. I loved my accounting course and got an A. When my physics class didn’t go so well, my career choice became clear.

You've been working as an NFL statistician for over 30 years. Describe a typical game day.

Game day is long, but something I thoroughly enjoy. I usually check in about three hours before kickoff.

I meet with the graphics engineers, my fellow statisticians, and we go through items of interest that the producer would like to focus on for that game. Once the game starts it’s all business. I must be focused on every play, as information has to be relayed and processed instantly. It is easier now as the software is tremendous, but when I started all stats were kept manually. When the game ends, we verify the final numbers, then I go to work for the Patriots media relations department. I am part of a team that goes into the visiting team’s locker room and interviews players, which are typed up and distributed to the press.

I like that part of the job, because if I notice something during the game that stands out, I get to ask the player directly about it.

How do you maintain a balance between being partner at an accounting firm and working as an NFL statistician?

Other than the occasional Thursday or Monday night game, my statistician requirements are on Sundays when I do not work at Paresky Flitt [now UHY]. It actually works out really well. In over 30 years I have never had to miss a game because of my accounting career.

What are three career lessons you’ve learned?

  1. No matter how strong your skill set is, you are only as good as the people around you. I believe success truly is a team effort.
  2. A partner team must be cohesive and united. Sometimes that requires bending on certain issues for the good of the firm. I am grateful to be partners with people who are not only good businessmen but good people as well.
  3. I am a believer in the Maya Angelou quote, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

A personal fact no one would ever guess about you:

I enjoy hiking and walking. This past August I made a goal to walk the entire ocean shoreline of the Cape Cod National Seashore. It is about 40 miles. I did a good chunk of it this year and hope to walk the rest next summer. Many people don’t realize how deserted and beautiful the coastline is when you get away from the public beaches.


Originally published by the Massachusetts State Society of CPAs in the November 2018 Issue of Sum News.

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