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Houston, Texas


Partner, UHY LLP
Managing Director, UHY Advisors


Michael Landers has over 20 years of accounting and advisory experience, with a focus on audit and transaction services with extensive experience in strategic financial planning, M&A, deal structuring, SEC reporting, and GAAP compliance. He manages and provides financial expertise in a variety of audit and financial reporting engagements to publicly and privately owned companies with a concentration in the oilfield service and investment industries.

Michael also provides due diligence reviews in corporate transactions including review of accounting policies, quality of earnings, quality of working capital, cash flow analysis, asset valuation, review of accounting systems and controls, and review of key operational processes. He assists clients with accounting matters in support of merger/acquisition initiatives including IPO transactions, mergers, debt refinancing, secondary offerings, divestitures, recapitalizations, corporate reorganizations, and other strategic corporate financial initiatives.

Michael is a licensed CPA in Texas.


  • Audit of Public Companies
  • Audits Of Financial Statements
  • SEC Support
  • Transaction Planning and Structuring
  • Oilfield Services


  • Audit of Public Companies
  • Audits Of Financial Statements
  • SEC Support
  • Transaction Planning and Structuring
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UHY LLP is a licensed independent CPA firm that performs attest services in an alternative practice structure with UHY Advisors, Inc., and its subsidiary entities. UHY Advisors, Inc.’s subsidiaries, including UHY Consulting, Inc., provide tax and business consulting services through wholly owned subsidiary entities that operate under the name of “UHY Advisors” and “UHY Consulting”. UHY Advisors, Inc., and its subsidiary entities are not licensed CPA firms. UHY LLP, UHY Advisors, Inc. and UHY Consulting are U.S. members of Urbach Hacker Young International Limited, a UK company, and form part of the international UHY network of legally independent accounting and consulting firms. “UHY” is the brand name for the UHY international network. Any services described herein are provided by UHY LLP, UHY Advisors and/or UHY Consulting (as the case may be) and not by UHY or any other member firm of UHY. Neither UHY nor any member of UHY has any liability for services provided by other members.

On this website, (i) the term "our firm", "we" and terms of similar import, denote the alternative practice structure conducted by UHY LLP and UHY Advisors, Inc. and its subsidiary entities, and (ii) the term "UHYI" denotes the UHY international network, in each case as more fully described in the preceding paragraph.