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Executive Briefing

How M&A, Succession Planning, and Estate Planning Affect Your Company’s Value

In order to understand the value of your business, it is critical to start with the context in which the value is being sought. Are you considering selling your company? Looking for your management team to take over? Or perhaps you are considering transferring your company to the next generation. The answer to what your company is worth can depend heavily on who is asking.

We discussed how the purpose of the valuation can affect the value of your company and which important questions you need to ask yourself as the rate of change in the economy continues to accelerate.

If you missed the live event, a recording of the event may be found below.


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Jacob Katz | Director of Valuations | UHY Advisors, Inc.

Jacob Katz | Director of Valuations | UHY Advisors, Inc.

Jacob specializes in providing business valuation, transaction consulting, and financial advisory services to attorneys, corporate clients, and individuals.  Prior to joining UHY several years ago, Jacob spent more than a decade in the wealth management and institutional asset management industries.

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