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Prepare for the Evolving ESG Landscape

Prepare for the Evolving ESG Landscape

The SEC rule has been stayed pending judicial review, but the California law reporting periods are approaching rapidly. States like Illinois, New York, Colorado, Maine, and Vermont all have proposed legislation that targets climate and environmental responsibility at different levels. The delay of the SEC rule and potential legal challenges to the laws in California just provide companies more time to prepare, and it would be a mistake to turn a blind eye to the evolution of regulations in the United States.

Adapting to federal or state-level regulations will take time and each company will need to customize a plan that fits their needs and satisfies their stakeholders.

Our ESG Solutions Team is well-versed in all legislation at the federal and state levels and has assisted clients in preparing their ESG strategy with an ESG Readiness Assessment.

Forming your ESG strategy will require a complex and comprehensive approach that involves understanding the ESG landscape, choosing a framework, identifying gaps and choosing your goals before you even get into recording and reporting any data. Our ESG Readiness Assessment includes all of these critical steps to form a customized ESG strategy that fits your company’s needs and allows your team to focus on innovating and positioning your company for success knowing that you will be compliant to any emerging ESG regulations.

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