Research & Development
Tax Credits
No-Cost Assessment and
Low-Commitment R&D Credit Study
Understanding the credits available to your organization is as simple as getting in touch with our specialists. We will review your organization and provide an estimate of the number of credits for which your organization qualifies, with the goal of providing you with a low-impact, cost-saving solution. If you decide to engage us to conduct a study, we will arrange a half-day visit to your work site to understand your accounting and recordkeeping processes and ensure the credits are in compliance with IRS exam guidelines.

The Four-Part Test

Permitted purpose
Research expenses must pertain to a new or improved product, process or design. In order to qualify, a company should focus on developing a new or improved use or functionality of their process, or product.

Technological in nature
The activities performed must relate to “hard” sciences and principles, specifically computer science, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other natural sciences. Innovation that relies on “soft” sciences is not sufficient.

Elimination of uncertainty
Organizations must demonstrate that the activity was used to determine whether the organization would be able to solve a problem, how to solve that problem, and the most appropriate way to solve said problem.

Process of experimentation
The activity must be related to experimenting with possible solutions, testing, and/or trial and error. Directly related to elimination of uncertainty, this component refers to a company coming up with a handful of ideas, testing those ideas to determine which is the best, and why it is better than the others.