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Technology Risk & Compliance (1)

Technology, Risk, & Compliance

Secure Data and Improve Controls

Sharing data and information with your customers, business partners, and suppliers is standard procedure in today's business world. However, these technological conveniences come with significant risks. Although your company can shift accountability to service organizations, you remain responsible for ensuring the appropriate controls are in place to protect your organization's data and reputation.

Our professionals offer decades of experience and success in IT assurance and consulting. Our team includes professionals with specialized technology skills and extensive IT controls knowledge. This depth of skills and experience, combined with our approach to IT risk and compliance, allows us to provide you with personalized solutions that address your needs.

To understand and monitor controls at a service provider, the most effective strategy is to request a third-party compliance report based on an appropriate security and technology framework. If your organization stores or processes client information, you’ve likely had requests from your customers for a compliance report or security questionnaire.

We provide a comprehensive suite of assessment and compliance solutions to help you stand out in the marketplace. Let us assist you in determining the right risk and compliance solution to set you apart from your competitors.

SOC Reports

In today's digital landscape, ensuring the security and reliability of your systems is critical. A SOC (System and Organization Controls) report is a comprehensive examination that assures your clients and stakeholders that your systems are secure, your data is protected, and your processes are reliable. 

The SOC report process involves the examination of your internal controls, where factors like data integrity, security protocols, and operational efficiency are assessed. We can help you by identifying control gaps and vulnerabilities, recommending enhancements, and providing assurance that your organization meets SOC standards.

SOC attestation reports are services delivered by UHY LLP.

SOC Reports


UHY can help you navigate the intricate landscape of technology compliance. Our team conducts thorough audits and assessments to pinpoint areas of non-compliance and potential vulnerabilities within your technology infrastructure. We can also advise you on robust controls and safeguards to mitigate risks effectively. By leveraging our expertise and resources, you'll be able to confidently manage technology compliance, mitigate risks, and safeguard your reputation and assets in today's regulated environment.



As cybercrimes increase across the globe, your organization may be operating at a much higher risk tolerance level than you realize. Our cyber specialists can help you navigate the ever-changing regulations and threats you face with comprehensive cybersecurity solutions designed to identify and mitigate your cyber risks. Our cyber assessments provide customized, actionable recommendations via a cybersecurity roadmap that will help you achieve your organization's goals.


Featured News

New SEC Rule Emphasizes the Importance of Cybersecurity

What's your Cybersecurity readiness?

Every week in the news, there are reports of companies that have experienced cyber-attacks. While you think it will never happen to you, there’s a good chance it could. We’ve created this Cyber Readiness Guide with 6 key questions you can use to have a discussion with your IT team about your current cybersecurity readiness.

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