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United States Government Building


Professional Services for the Government Industry

As full-time government advisors, we understand that governmental entities do not operate independently but in an increasingly complex web of local, state, and federal relationships. We know how these relationships work, what they mean at the local level, and how every public organization’s focus on resource management is critical to success. Nationally, we audit numerous governments participating in the Government Finance Officers Association's (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting program, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster recovery reimbursement programs, and other state and federal reimbursement grants.

Government Sub-Industries We Serve

Whether you’re a local, state, or federal entity or a related government contractor, count on us and our proactive, integrated advice to help navigate the strict rules and regulations of compliance. Our professionals have decades of experience in supporting compliance with and auditing of government grants, as well as additional requirements under FAR, DFAR, DCAA, or DCMA.

  • Federal government
  • State government and local municipalities
  • Government component units
  • Educational institutions and school districts
  • Government pension systems
  • Government contractors

Where We Can Help

Managing and accurately reporting ARPA fund disbursements is crucial to minimizing project risks and preparing for future public and regulatory scrutiny regarding their allocation.

We provide a wide range of audit and assurance services, including financial audits, forensic audits, compliance audits, reviews, compilations, agreed-upon procedures, and other attestations.

The typical government accounting department is frequently asked to do more with less. A rational plan for allocating scarce resources will help alleviate this burden.

Build an ESG strategy addressing your organization’s goals and key metrics, E.U. and U.S. regulations, and stakeholders’ expectations with guidance from our professionals.

Our seasoned teams bring abundant knowledge and technical experience to assist government internal audit departments in assessing, enhancing, and optimizing their operations.

Single Audit

Single audits are crucial regulatory requirements that allow government and not-for-profit entities to continue receiving and utilizing their federal grants and awards.

Our Uniform Guidance (single audit) and grant agreement compliance audits take a value-added approach that meets regulatory standards and provides organizational insights. We assess your organization’s internal controls environment against program standards and offer recommendations for efficiency.

Managing and accurately reporting ARPA fund disbursements is crucial to minimizing project risks and preparing for future public and regulatory scrutiny regarding their allocation.

We provide a wide range of audit and assurance services, including financial audits, forensic audits, compliance audits, reviews, compilations, agreed-upon procedures, and other attestations.

The typical government accounting department is frequently asked to do more with less. A rational plan for allocating scarce resources will help alleviate this burden.

Build an ESG strategy addressing your organization’s goals and key metrics, E.U. and U.S. regulations, and stakeholders’ expectations with guidance from our professionals.

Our seasoned teams bring abundant knowledge and technical experience to assist government internal audit departments in assessing, enhancing, and optimizing their operations.

Single Audit

Single audits are crucial regulatory requirements that allow government and not-for-profit entities to continue receiving and utilizing their federal grants and awards.

Our Uniform Guidance (single audit) and grant agreement compliance audits take a value-added approach that meets regulatory standards and provides organizational insights. We assess your organization’s internal controls environment against program standards and offer recommendations for efficiency.


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